Friday, August 17, 2007

Global Economy

I've just finished reading an excellent book, "Global economy - how rich became rich and why poor are becoming poorer" (or the title in original "Global okonomi - hvordan de rike ble rikere og hvorfor de fattige blir fattigere" , don't be confused it is on Norwegian) by Erik S. Reinert.

In a very direct and profound way, this Norwegian economist, tries and succeeds to describe the process of globalisation and its horrific consequences. I was really shocked what I've read about the history of the globalisation, especially about the modern process of globalisation and the effects which it causes on many developing countries around the world. It is so sad to see how and what some of the rich countries are doing to the rest of the world, especially what are they doing to the poorest countries (mainly African and South American countries).

Ok, to cut this story short, I will try to summarize it in 2 or 3 sentences, and the rest of it you will have to read it:
-It is all about how in the past, rich countries became rich and how nowadays the don't let the poor countries to do the same thing in order to become more developed, more rich and more industrialized. How the institutions of Washington (IMF,World Bank,WTO) are treating the developing countries and how they keep them underdeveloped, in order these countries to be just exporters of resources, and importers of western final products. It is interesting to see what England,France,Norway were doing 150-200 years ago, and what they are now doing in a sense of forcing unbelievable economic policies to the developing countries.

If you have an opportunity, please read this book. It will change your attitude towards globalisation, free trade etc...

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