OK, I won't bother you this time with the visa problems.I promise I will write only about the nice things.
This time the purpose of our journey to Bulgaria was the "International Meeting of Young Psychologists" organised by the The Association of Young Psychologists in Bulgaria. The meeting took place in the beautiful city of Blagoevgrad.
It is a nice small city, just a 3 hours drive from Skopje. Blagoevgrad has a many little narrow streets full of restaurants, coffee bars, pubs and little shops. It reminds me very much of some Greek or other Mediterranean cities. It is also amazing that the city is full of young people, due to the fact that Blagoevgrad is a university center. Anyway it was really nice walking down the streets among so many young people. When you ad to this the perfect weather conditions that we had there during our visit (it was real summer), it was love at first sight for me. Enough about the city, they say that one picture is worthy than a thousand words, therefore you should visit Blagoevgrad and see what I'm talking about.
Now little bit more about the social side of the meeting. Boy, that was something. It was really nice to meet such a nice people from so many countries. I enjoyed every single moment of our socialising. I especially enjoyed the time I've spent with the teams from Bulgaria, Croatia, Holland and Poland. I can remember that I conquered the hearts of the Bulgarian fellows with the sentence "One nation, two states", which refers to the similarity and the close relations, ties, mentality etc. between the Macedonian and Bulgarian people. It is funny, because from one side for this sentence I can get beaten up in Macedonia and from the other side I have been cheered up for the same thing in Bulgaria. Yes, it is really funny how do history & politics mixed together work out, here in the Balkans, especially in Macedonia, Bulgaria and Greece. At the end we have all laughed at each other understanding the joke and recognising the stupidity, the irony of Balkan's politics.
Here are some of the photos from our time spent together:
1. Me and the Polish girls: Karolina, Me, Monika
2. Everybody dancing the Macedonian, ooops sorry, Bulgarian traditional dance
3. Part of the Bulgarian team: Sto, Ani, fogot his name, Pepi
5. Part of the Croatian team and a Macedonian girl: Alina, Andro, Kosta, Danela
6. Macedonian team: Slavco, Kalina, Daniela, Me
7. Me and Ceciel from Holland
8.Croatian beauty: Tena and Anica
9. Me and Ani from Bulgaria
10. Me and forgot his name and Eleonora
11. Sto and forgot his name and Alina and Ani dancing the sexy moves
12. Croatian mystic
13. Some Bulgarian girls dancing in the cage - awesome!!!
14. They were really nice: Anica and Tena
15. Finally: the last supper
Once again, I had a wonderful time with a wonderful people during those 3 days in Blagoevgrad. I visited some of the lectures, but I've visited more of the pubs and clubs. More fun, less worries. My life moto. I must admit that Bulgaria is becoming my favorite neighbouring country.
So, girls and boys, thank you for the wonderful time we have spent together. Ani, Aleksandar, Katica, Tena, Eleonora, Anica, Ceciel, Kosta, Milena, Pepi, Boris, Rose, Karolina, Monika, Andro, Alina, Sto, Martina, Sara - I love you all!!!
P.S. Sorry if I forgot someone.
Тој на третата слика "forgot his name" е Медаров Security.:)Remember?:)
He doesn't remembers his name, but it seems that you can't forget it. :))))))))))))))))) Why is that so? :))))))))
I wonder why, too. :)))
A be bugarofilu! Ja bi te pretepala da go kazes toa pred mene, i ne zaradi ironicna balkanska politika, tuku zaradi Makedonskiot identitet..sto pati ne samo od Grci, Bugari itn. tuku i od takvi ko tebe, izdajci. Bravo, se nadevam deka se gordees so sebe sto si nasmeal nekolku Bugarcinja.
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